Creation Process:

At Mindset Production we take your theme colors and develop a unique corporate identity that is carried through all of our designs projects. All of our projects are custom, creative and unique.

First, themes are brainstormed with the use of colors and a logo is developed. Next layouts are drawn up, then we construct a computer render, which is e-mailed to your company for final approval before it goes to print.


Stationary is a necessary evil. It is required, but it’s expensive and you always run out of copies. It’s easy to open up a word processor & pop in your logo no one will notice…or will they?

Business Cards

Business cards stack up. You get them all the time. Which business cards do you keep? You keep the ones you need, but there are always a couple that you keep because they look impressive.


Your Logo IS your company. Your logo is on your cards, signs, ads, stationary, website its everywhere. A successful logo gives instant indisputable recognition of the business that it represents.


We welcome you to contact us for more information
about any of our products or services.